KOTR University

My name is Sony. I’m the lead instructor, choreographer, and dance coach at KOTR. I’ve spent over a decade mastering the art of dancing Konpa. I am now taking my years of training and collaborations with the best of the best professional dance instructors and putting it all in a organized environment for you.
Minoring in dance at UF has allowed me the opportunity of being exposed to other dance styles such as jazz, modern, ballet, West African, and hiphop to name a few. As there are rules and basic fundementals to all dance styles, we’ve established a written curriculum to help you grasp dancing Haitian Konpa dancing in it’s entirey.
Our courses are designed to help you grasp Konpa in its entirety. Whether you’re a beginner who never danced before or an intermediate dancer looking to better your dance skills, these courses will be great for you.
Beginners Course Content :: Courses are made available after purchase / $85
details and expectations per class
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
- Class details and video lessons availalbe after purchase
This beginners course packet is only $85 USD. Through this course material I will get you well on your way to dancing Haiti’s pop cultural dance called Konpa. Don’t have a partner? The first set of video trainings won’t require a partner. In the mean time, be on the look out for a partner you could share this lesson with. The coruses are child proof so I actually take my time to teach you this dance. Learn at your own pace and learn anywhere with anyone. I look forwad to working once you make it past this page. See you soon!