I’m Janita, a Finnish dancer, a dance teacher and a konpa enthusiast living in the Netherlands.I first found konpa music four years ago at kizomba parties. Little by little, curiosity grew into a passion. Unfortunately, good konpa dancers are still very hard to find here, so I have been educating myself by taking online classes and private lessons from Haitian dance teachers in North America. Many people, especially in the Kizomba scene, are in love with konpa music. My goal is to help the dance grow in popularity and find its place on the dance floor as well. I plan to start with the first-ever weekly konpa group classes in the Netherlands as soon as the government allows organizing dance classes again.My dream is to one day travel to North America and Haiti to learn more about konpa and Haitian culture. I’m also looking forward to welcoming dancers and teachers from abroad to the Netherlands!