
Konpa Dance Demonstration
I received a phone call from an old colleague who I went to school with at the University of Florida who ask if I could have my company ( KOTR Dance Studio) perform at a wedding. She has her own wedding planning business and her clients we’re looking for Haitian Konpa dance performers. It’s been almost 6 months since I last danced, due to the COVID pandemic. But when I called up the team, they were all excited about taking on this job since we ALL WANTED TO DANCE ANYWAY. We have our own facility in Miami where we train,...

Learn How to Dance – Konpa
Are you among those people who always find it fun to see everyone dancing but never got the chance to let your inner dancer out? Well, you should know that dancing is an art that can help you in multiple ways. I personally love to dance and find it very beneficial to my everyday life The difference between personalities and nature plays an important role over here. You might be an introverted person, but when you make an effort to grab a dancing partner, it will be the most relaxing moment of your life. Once you find your groove, no...

Konpa Dance Class in Broward
Nothing can elevate the soul and lightens the mood like a fun konpa dance class. There is always a harmony of body and mind when Konpa music gets to the edge, and the listeners cannot control the movements of their waist and their feet. KOTR Dance Studio is the destination for dance and music lovers, especially those interested in Haitian Konpa. That’s not just a dance form but a way of life evolving and embracing others, and forming a unity that transcends racial and national boundaries. Here is an overview of the programs we have arranged for the people of...

Aprann Kijan Pou Danse – Konpa
Photo taken by Mode Zero, taken in Netherlands - Sony Laventure teaches a 3 hour Konpa Workshop